Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life is f...

Life is full of little surprises *g*Charlotte was making biscuits (half term and a break from clearing up the Pit). Turned her back for ten seconds, and one chicken breast out of 3 thawing out disappeared between small fangs. Growling sounds from underneath the hall sideboard gave him away - he's got a pathetic miaouw for a big lad, but growls like a lion. The good fight was fought, so tonight there will be 2 chicken breasts for 3 people, and 3 out of 4 cats will get the chewed one. Simba the Thief, much as I love him, is in the doghouse. Cathouse. Well, in trouble. Been looking at the HTML editor's 'table feature' today. Read the instructions twice. Decided to save that one for another day *g*. However, after being stuck in a corner for 3 days, I now have some highly-cooperative muses murmuring helpful suggestions about it being time they got to play.Hehehehe. Work (what's that?)going swimmingly. Enough to pay the bills, not too much to stop play. Chris, of course, is complaining. I'm ignoring him apart from telling him that HTML skills are a useful asset for the future. Of *course* that's why I did it *g*. Nothing to do with an urge to play with a new toy of my very own and stick my various stories in one place. Nononono.

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