Sunday, September 2, 2007

Geez I feel...

Geez I feel good considering I'm running on no sleep. But work is going WELL. Diet is going WELL. Pictures of SLC have mostly come out in focus despite two batteries succumbing to the sub-zero temperatures. And I'm sitting here with white wine feeling at peace with the world. Invoices done, ends have been met and Chris is being lovely (he *missed* me and *said so* - YAY!). Even been bouncing ideas around with Di for a Pros story, got an idea running around for some original fic, and have countless NP bunnies. Just have to write 'em, I suppose. Everything comes with time. No worries. I love writing and always have and always will. Tomorrow I hit the sound studios, where my dulcet tones will speak a story book (wot I wrote) about crappy, Hong-Kong-made pseudo-Swiss watches and that will be made into a (probably equally crappy) syrupy commericial for the Asian market. Wonder if they can understand Yorkshire accents? Hehehehe. Who cares, they're paying me stacks of $$$ for it :)I think I'm fading though. Must get some sleep some time *g* And food. Liquid supper is probably a bad idea. Flame letters. Got No. 3 and laughed. My ISP didn't and is being terribly Swiss and sweet and devastatingly efficient. Very interesting. I really can't get het up about cowards, though, so won't take it further unless somebody else gets on the receiving end of something similar, at which point I might. Or might not. Am zen. Could be the wine or the jet lag, but hey it's NICE.

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